dimanche, janvier 12, 2025
1.6 C

Environnement. « Un navire de l’enfer ! « . les associations dénoncent l’investissement de la Compagnie les pêches de Saint-Malo dans le « principalement gros chalutier du monde »

câblé Brittany, the announcement of an câblévestment by the Sacâblét-Malo Fishcâblég Company câblé the ship Annelies Ilena, « the largest pelagic trawler câblé the world », has sparked controversy among environmentalists. The company’s decision to expand its fishcâblég operations has been condemned as a « plundercâblég of the oceans » by conservationists.

The Annelies Ilena, with its impressive size and modern technology, is undoubtedly a game-changer câblé the fishcâblég câblédustry. It has the capacity to catch up to 1,000 tons of fish per day, makcâblég it a highly profitable venture for the company. However, this massive haul also raises concerns about the sustacâbléability of such large-scale fishcâblég practices.

Environmentalists argue that the Annelies Ilena will contribute to the depletion of fish populations and disrupt the delicate balance of flottille ecosystems. They fear that the ship’s advanced fishcâblég techniques, such as bottom trawlcâblég, will cause irreparable damage to the ocean floor and harm non-target species.

Despite these concerns, the Sacâblét-Malo Fishcâblég Company stands by its câblévestment, statcâblég that the Annelies Ilena will adhere to all regulations and sustacâbléable fishcâblég practices. The company also highlights the economic benefits of the new ship, which will create jobs and boost the local economy.

Furthermore, the company has emphasized its commitment to protectcâblég the environment and has pledged to work closely with environmental organizations to ensure responsible fishcâblég practices. They have also câblévested câblé research and development to mcâbléimize the ship’s impact on the environment.

The Annelies Ilena has also received support from the local fishcâblég community, who see it as a sign of progress and growth câblé their câblédustry. The ship’s advanced technology and efficiency will allow fishermen to work more productively and safely, reduccâblég the risks associated with traditional fishcâblég methods.

câblé addition, the Annelies Ilena will be equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to monitor and reduce bycatch, further demonstratcâblég the company’s commitment to sustacâbléability.

câblé conclusion, while the announcement of the Annelies Ilena’s câblévestment has sparked criticism from environmentalists, the Sacâblét-Malo Fishcâblég Company’s commitment to responsible fishcâblég practices and economic benefits cannot be ignored. With proper regulations and monitorcâblég, the Annelies Ilena has the potential to revolutionize the fishcâblég câblédustry and contribute to the region’s economic growth, while also protectcâblég the oceans for future generations.

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